
Name Gaves Hillvack
Species Hyur
Gender Male
Height 6 fulms
Weight 170 ponz
Eye Color Sea-green
Body Type Lean
Age 24
Nameday 12th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon
Sexual Orientation Straight
Marital Status Single
Occupation Entertainer
Family Mother and Father
Notable markings Scars along his shoulders, chest, and parts of his forearms (They look accident related)


Playful and energetic, Gaves is always bounding headfirst for the next laugh or thrill. Often, however, he is consumed with personal vices usually concerning women. A slave to his instincts, Gaves is always on the prowl for beautiful girls, often compromising himself because of his shameless flirting. A romantic at heart, Gaves enjoys a colorful personality, and most of all, someone who can laugh at themselves as well as dish out a few barbs. He has no time for the easily offended, or worst of all quiet and reserved. Believing that life is something that should be impassioned over, he always sates whatever itching curiosity he has, choosing to never go without trying to know something or someone. Despite it all Gaves isn't above lying, and wont think twice if it means that it could benefit in some shape or form. Quick with a joke and an easy compliment Gaves lives to see other smiles, the man believing that the only memory they should have of him is reverence, and nothing short.



  • Drinking

  • Gambling

  • Women

  • Expensive Food

  • Fancy Clothes

  • Gil

  • Teasing People

  • Sarcasm


  • The Typical

  • Boring People

  • Wanna-be Tough Guys

  • Silence



Born the son of a simple fisher, Gaves knew that he was destined for greatness beyond the regular routine his father's profession brought. Unhappy with the idea that his life could revolve around back breaking work that yielded nothing but blisters, sore joints, and leathery skin from the sun; Gaves vowed to break away from the mold, seeking out a vocation that was more suited for his bright and electric personality. Under threats from his father and mother, whom did not support his decision to choose a tradition outside of their own, he practiced his craft as an entertainer, regularly slipping out of the slums of the lower docks of Limsa at night to perform on the upper decks for the merchants and minor lords and ladies whom enjoyed the night life. He sang, danced, and spoke poetry until the sun began to rise again, returning to his own home to resume the grinding duties of a fisher. It went on for years, his mind set on a life where his body didn't stink of fish and the sea breeze didn't sting his eyes. Finally, after assuring himself that his talents were enough to make a name for himself, he told his parents of his dream to leave the life he had in hopes in finding one that was better. Threatened with being exiled for breaking away from tradition, Gaves begrudgingly chose his dream over his family, leaving La Noscea on a ship heading towards Thanalan, his destination Ul'dah.

At first, his journey to fame was beset by tragedy. As it turned out many other souls had found the same dream, so Gaves was lost in a sea of faces all claiming their own talents of skill with song and wit. The dream faded slowly, Gaves eventually being reduced to a mere street performer whom really was no different than the beggars in Pearl Alley. One day, by the luck of the twelve, while he was performing a respectable noble found him, a Countess from Ishgard of all places. Intrigued by his talent, the Countess inquired if Gaves had done anything else other than sing like a bird trapped in the cage that was the Peal Alley. Confessing that he was indeed stuck in rags, often reduced to stealing for food when the gil was scarce, he had a dream that had carried him all the way from Limsa Lominsa. Impressed with his drive and personality, the Countess offered him a deal; she would sponsor the young man, and in exchange he would perform for her own house, and a large fraction of what he made would be given to her. Uncaring of what that might entail, Gaves took the opportunity, jumping head first into a new life. Given a room, proper education with reading, writing, and mathematics, and better clothes, Gaves made good on his end of the deal; telling poetry until his tongue was dry, dancing until his feet hurt, and even singing until his voice cracked. Though, as happy as he was, Gaves was ambitious and soon learned that despite the gifts he was generously bestowed he would have to break away in order to make his name stand-alone without the help from the Countess.Ending their deal, Gaves, with what money he had saved, managed to purchase his own home back in the mists where he currently lives. Now, with his feet firmly planted into the ground, he continues to climb to the top, giving whatever it may cost in order for his name to shine and stand out for all to see.

Rules of Play

Not feeling it with edgelords. I'm also not too keen on FF lore, though I think I do an ok job ahereing to it for Gaves. However, I'm not perfect so If I've made any mistakes in my RP please let me know.